Milwaukee officers’ lawsuit could set new laws for gun purchasing and/or owning?

Two officers, whom were shot in the line of duty, are suing the owners of a gun store for selling a gun that was used in a shooting they were called to!

Milwaukee police officer Bryan Norberg took the stand Monday, recounting the near-fatal 2009 shooting that left him with devastating injuries.

“It felt like somebody had ripped my bone and my teeth right out of my mouth,” Norberg said.

Fellow officer Graham Kunisch was shot multiple times. He lost an eye and part of his frontal lobe. Surveillance video shows the officers confronting Julius Burton just before he opened fire on them.

In their lawsuit, the officers claim the weapon Burton used was “negligently and unlawfully sold by Badger Guns.”

Many people have a huge difference in opinions when it comes to this lawsuit!

Some say that it isn’t the gun that kills people, people kill people, while others are pro gun control!

What is your opinion??