Public Service Commission Makes Ruling on Kentucky Power Rate Case

Customers with Kentucky Power will a rate decrease. The Kentucky Public Service Commission has ruled a 4% rate decrease for Kentucky Power customers. In addition to this ruling, the PSC took other actions in regards to the rate case. An increase in the monthly service charge for residential customers to $14 was accepted. Kentucky Power’s application had called for a monthly service charge of $17.50. A settlement provision was rejected that called for residential customers to continue paying a monthly charge to fund economic development efforts in Kentucky Power’s service territory. The settlement called for the residential fee to be cut from 15 cents to ten cents, and for commercial customers to begin paying into the fund at $1 per month. The residential charge was eliminated and the funds will be reallocated into a fund assisting low-income ratepayers. The PSC also ended several demand-side management programs, authorizing the continuation of only the program to help low-income residential ratepayers reduce energy consumption. Due to the program changes, Kentucky Power residential customers will receive a monthly credit of DSM funds already collected.